Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Global Footprint

For a class project i was asked to go to and find out my global footprint. Basically it shows you how many Earths we would need to sustain us if everyone on Earth lived like you, not fun but very informative. I think of myself as environmentally friendly but after taking the quiz my results came back as it would take 4.2 Earths!!!! Along with 18.8 acres of the Earths productive area to sustain my lifestyle. A break down showed; services as 47%, food 18%, goods 17%, shelter 15%, and mobility 4%.

I would highly encourage all of you to go and take this test also, not because i want you to feel ashamed or guilty but because of what it provides you after you're done with the quiz. Once you have your results it will give you the option to see what you can do to help reduce your footprint. They are easy suggestions and if taken can reduce your foot print by at least one Earth!

My suggestions, that i plan to take very seriously and will archive here on my blog, is:

1. Reduce animal product intake by at least half (down to 4 Earths)
2. Purchase more environmentally friend packaged products (down to 3.7 Earths)
3. Install solar panels, expensive but maybe my mom and I could find a way? If not when I get my own house that is a must! (down to 3.3 Earths!)

Just those few suggestions reduce my footprint by one Earth, and there are so many other things we can do to reduce our footprints! Throughout my blog I will try to keep this in mind when I talk about products. I will also try to keep track of how I am doing in reducing my footprint, and would love if you share your results and how you are reducing your footprint!

'Till then, have a great environmentally friendly day!

P.S. I put a link to the quiz under my Fav. Enviro Friendly Sites link to the side --->


  1. Okay ~ now you have inspired me! I was trying to post my pictured environmental footprint results but was unsuccesful in my try. I now see that you were indeed successful in your endeavor to do so. Next time we see each other at class maybe you can give me a few tips to help improve my technology skills. Your website looks just fabulous. It also looks like you are having a lot of fun with it. Oh yeah, I definitely have to learn the linking technique too. The "homework" link worked just fine. That's how I found your post to comment on. See you next week.

  2. I'm gonna try out your acne product recommendation, i'll let you know how that works out for me.
